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Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company organized the launch ceremony of the "Quality Month" activity and a work meeting for all employees


Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company organized the launch ceremony of the "Quality Month" activity and a work meeting for all employees


In order to improve product quality and management level, establish a strong awareness of quality first, and conscientiously implement the group's requirements for carrying out the 2024 "Quality Month" activity, on the morning of September 2nd, Haihuibao Equipment Company organized the launch ceremony of the "Quality Month" activity and a work meeting for all employees. The general manager of the company, Zhou Jialei, presided over the ceremony, and all employees of the company attended.

Dong Xueliang from the Quality Management Department read out the relevant requirements of the "Notice on Carrying out the 'Quality Month' Activity of Haihui Group in 2024", and formulated the "Implementation Plan for the 'Quality Month' Activity of Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company in 2024" and the "2024 Quality Month Activity Plan" based on the actual situation of the company, requiring all departments to strictly promote the effective implementation of the quality month activity according to the plan.

Zhou Jialei reported on the company's business situation from January to August, affirmed the hard work and achievements of all cadres and employees, and made requirements based on the actual situation of the company.

1、 We must conscientiously implement the spirit of the August work summary meeting of the group. In the face of the current economic situation, all departments of the company should focus on the key issues and key points, address weaknesses, strengthen measures to promote improvement, and strive for new breakthroughs in weaknesses and strengths, achieving new breakthroughs in strengths and weaknesses, and breaking through the total production and sales volume of the company.

2、 We must carry out the Quality Month activity solidly. Quality Month is not only about product quality, but also includes the work quality of the entire production and sales process, including design, procurement, production, sales, and after-sales service. Each department should carefully organize and implement the "Quality Month" activity plan and plan, without formalism or going through the motions, conscientiously implement it, strengthen the learning of quality knowledge and the improvement of quality awareness, consolidate quality foundation management, and promote the implementation and rooting of quality awareness among all employees.

3、 We must seriously strengthen the quality awareness of all employees and continuously improve quality management work. Quality is the life of an enterprise and the foundation of its brand. All employees must establish the concept of "winning by quality", enhance their awareness of quality, strengthen their understanding of the importance of quality in strengthening the enterprise, and persist in implementing a project, creating a performance, establishing a monument, and continuously improving the market competitiveness and brand influence of the company's products.

4、 Strictly control procurement, design, and production costs, and strive to achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement. The current economic situation continues to be sluggish, and market competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In the procurement process, it is necessary to strictly implement the annual centralized bidding and comparison of three suppliers for procurement, implement the supplier evaluation mechanism, and ensure that the procurement qualifications are good and the prices are low; In the design process, one should dare to innovate, continuously optimize the product process and structure, and ensure that the designed product is the optimal solution; Efforts should be made to thoroughly implement lean production management in all aspects of production, with a focus on strict and detailed work quality and product quality, optimizing control processes, comprehensively coordinating production and operation processes, and striving to achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement.

5、 We need to strengthen the thoroughness of production planning and ensure the orderly progress of production planning. Each department should take production and operation efficiency as the main line. After the contract is signed, each department should timely formulate corresponding work plans according to the project cycle, reverse the schedule, hang charts for operation, and make good use of daily scheduling, weekly summary, and monthly analysis platforms to ensure the continuous control of the production and operation process.

6、 Continuously optimize project engineering management mode and break through development bottlenecks. Faced with the development bottlenecks faced by the company's personnel and production capacity, managers at all levels should be good at focusing on their own problems and shortcomings, innovating engineering management models, coordinating and leveraging external forces to serve the company, and timely developing high-quality outsourcing teams to help the company break through development bottlenecks.

7、 Strengthen technological innovation and enhance the company's development momentum. Innovation is the source and driving force for the survival and development of enterprises. The company actively leverages traditional atmospheric governance and intelligent delivery of flagship products, utilizes product advantages to activate stock, optimize total quantity, promote production increment, and at the same time, develops and reserves new technologies and products to continuously enhance the company's development momentum.

8、 Strengthen the construction of domestic and foreign marketing systems and improve overall business capabilities. Marketing personnel actively go out to capture market information, develop new customers, seize markets and orders while maintaining good old customers. At the same time, they are required to dig deep into customer maintenance product information, strive to develop a group of long-term stable customer groups, and contribute to the rapid development of the company.

9、 Strengthen team building and build an excellent iron army team. At the same time as improving the quality of work, managers at all levels are striving to cultivate a group of capable and effective soldiers. At the same time, managers at all levels should take the initiative to claim work tasks, lay down their bodies, and focus on their own duties. In the management process, they should be good at discovering and cultivating employees who dare to take real risks and face difficulties with courage, and strive to build a group of iron army teams that develop together with the company.

10、 Pay close attention to safety without relaxing, and strictly guard against any negligence. Each department should make full use of the morning meeting time to promote the importance of safety production while conducting company level three safety training. At the same time, we will strengthen the special investigation and governance of safety, without going through formalities or formalities, with the participation and joint promotion of all staff. We will adhere to the principle of prevention first, tighten our responsibilities, and ensure the healthy and stable development of the enterprise.

Zhou Jialei requested that the company closely focus on the group's strategic management goals, strictly follow the group's work requirements of "strong execution, strict implementation, and promotion", adhere to benchmarking and first-class, innovation and improvement, transformation and upgrading, pressure and progress, overcome difficulties, and work hard in September. We will make every effort to win the third quarter closing battle, ensure the successful completion of the annual task goals, accelerate the group's recovery, and contribute the greatest strength of Haihui Environmental Protection to the group's three-year turnaround. We will also make greater contributions to the successful completion of the group's second entrepreneurial journey in the 6th Five Year Plan.

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